Public Hearing - Variance Request
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 7:15 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Philip City Council on Monday, November 4, 2019, in the Community Room of the Haakon County Courthouse on the variance request application filed by Brandon Morrison for property legally described as Lot 4, Block 24, Original Town, City of Philip, Haakon County, SD.
City Ordinance #7-403.1, Sidewalks for New Residential or New Commercial Construction - Application has been made to waive the sidewalk requirement on the north side of the property, abutting Ash Street.
City Ordinance #11-601(a), Residential Side Yard Requirement - Application has been made to occupy five feet (5’) of the required five feet (5’) on the west side of the property. ((This requested variance takes into consideration a six-inch (6”) overhang.))
All interested persons may appear at the public hearing and show cause why the variance should be approved or rejected.
Monna Van Lint
Finance Officer
(Publish: Oct. 24, 2019, at an approximate cost of $_______)