Water Discoloration Reminder - Water Safe To Drink

Reminder... WR/LJ Rural Water recently received this public notice from OSRWSS Mni Wiconi Water Treatment Plant about the water discoloration.

“Recently, OSRWSS Mni Wiconi Coreline has received phone calls about discolored water. If your home receives water from the Coreline system, the discoloration may be due to a recent change in water quality. The raw water from the Water Treatment Plant intake on the Missouri river has been affected by runoff from recent unusual rainfall events in the watershed that has caused raw water discoloration. The treatment process is being adjusted in response to the change in raw water quality. Despite these adjustments, some discolored water is passing through the plant and entering the Coreline. System operations and management staff have responded to these calls by working to identify the source of the discoloration and potential options for resolving the issue. Coreline operators have flushed the distribution lines between Kadoka and Water Treatment Plant at Fort Pierre, and are currently examining changes in raw water quality due to heavy rainfall events in the Missouri River watershed. Even though the water is discolored, the Safe Drinking Water compliance tests on the finished water indicate it is safe to drink. The OSRWSS Water Treatment Plant staff are working to resolve the discoloration issue.”